Posts Tagged ‘ veggies ’

Crock Pot Chicken Stock

After we’ve stripped the two rotisserie or roasted chicken carcasses of their meat to eat, I put them in a large slow cooker.  I also throw in a bag of vegetable trimmings I’ve been saving in the freezer for two weeks. This means onion skins, carrot ends, celery leaves. Then I throw in a few fresh carrots and celery (or dried out or limp) and some more onion if need be and a whole garlic bulb(I smash each clove with large flat knife but also throw in the paper skin that comes off). I don’t use any seasonings because I use the broth for other meals and add the seasonings then. Then cover with fresh cold filtered water. Splash in a couple tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar -it coaxes the nutrients out of the bones. Let it sit for an hour and then turn the pot on low. I let mine go for about 24 hours. Then I use a large colander and a large bowl to first strain out the big chunks. Then I use a finer mesh strainer to strain it into jars. It makes approximately 3 quarts, usually more. I use them all within a couple weeks which is easy if you plan you menus.


This can also be done with leftover turkey bones.